Interventions Canada - The Most Effective Way To Help People Change Their Lives

Get Them To Say ‘Yes’ To Recovery

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What is an Intervention?

Interventions are professionally-directed processes designed to help an individual recognize the negative effects their substance use has on themselves and others. Interventionists are trained professionals who use a variety of techniques to help people improve their lives. They're often called upon when other methods aren't working.

During an intervention, also known as a family meeting, your loved one is presented with an opportunity to receive help and make changes. They are initially invited to the intervention, which itself is directed from a place of compassion and understanding.

An intervention does not end after the family meeting, however. A Continuum of Care Plan and ongoing Family Support are also critical to the success of conducting an intervention.

Keep reading to learn more about how we approach interventions, or visit my newest site, for an even deeper look at drug and alcohol addiction interventions in Victoria or Vancouver. 

If you feel like you would benefit from professional guidance rather than intervention facilitation, our Family Coaching & Consulting services may be for you.

Three members of a family sitting in a living room and discussing drug and alcohol use during an invitational intervention organized and hosted by Michael Walsh and his team of Canadian Interventionists

Our Approach to Interventions

When you think of an intervention, you might think of a confrontation – but that’s not how we approach things. Instead, the client is invited to a family meeting, which is a safe and structured setting approached from a place of love and compassion. Interventions with family involved is a great way to start the process of change for everyone involved. 

Intervention By Invitation

The interventions we conduct are called invitational interventions – and they’re not like what you’ve seen on TV. We do not facilitate ‘surprise’ interventions except when absolutely necessary.

Our Power of Invitation article provides a closer look at the benefits and details of the invitational intervention approach.

Piecing It Together

When a person is actively misusing substances, they’re often in denial and ambivalent about their situation. They may not recognize the negative effects their behaviour has on themselves and others.

An intervention helps the person make the connection between their problematic use of alcohol and/or drugs and the problems they are likely experiencing in their life.

Safe & Compassionate

The goal of an intervention is to present the substance user  with a safe and structured opportunity  to receive help  and to make changes before things get worse.

Our Interventionists bring a sense of structure, calm, and control to a chaotic time. We work closely with the family to troubleshoot destructive patterns and guide everyone towards long-term recovery.

We can help your loved one to accept the support they need

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Our Role as Interventionists

Invitational interventions use evidence-based techniques to achieve the goal of helping your loved one or employee to accept help.

Our Interventionists meet with family members, friends, and/or employers for as long as needed before gathering for an informed and prepared ‘family meeting’. We work with the client and their support network to create a treatment plan that supports them through each stage of recovery.

Their treatment plan may include:

  • Inpatient or outpatient treatment
  • Providing safe transportation to and from treatment
  • Case-management, and
  • Aftercare support for both the client and family

Below you will learn more about the process we take when facilitating a drug or alcohol intervention.

If you have been affected by someone else’s substance use, I recommend reading our article How to Help Someone You Love as well as picking up a copy of the book Beyond Addiction.

A mother and daughter engaging in discussion moderated by Interventionist Michael Walsh, as Michael looks on and provides support during an invitational drug/alcohol intervention

The Intervention Process — 5 Steps to Creating a Successful Intervention Plan

Every person we work with is unique, and so are the exact steps we take when facilitating a drug or alcohol intervention.

However, to give you an idea of how we conduct an intervention, we’ve designed 5 Steps to Creating a Successful Intervention Plan.

You may also wish to browse our testimonials from clients and their family members, or contact us to arrange a free consultation to discuss your options.

Phase 1: Evaluation

Michael and the team evaluate the circumstances of both the individual consuming substances and the greater family system.

During the initial phases of an intervention we establish and discuss the best options for a plan forward, and select qualified professionals that best suit each unique situation.

Safe Passage Transportation is arranged if necessary, and any necessary contingency plans are established.

Phase 2: Preparation

We review the entire intervention strategy with all involved, set expectations, and inform all participants of possible challenges.

The person consuming substances may have created distrust and harm with family and friends. This sometimes lead to emotions taking over when discussing interventions, causing strife within the family about the correct intervention approach.

This is why a meticulously organized pre-intervention consultation is critical.

During the preparation phase, we review the entire intervention strategy with everyone involved in the intervention. We set expectations, and inform all participants of the possible challenges we may face.

Phase 3: Intervention (Family Meeting)

The details of the intervention have been agreed upon, and the invitation to our family meeting is offered to the client.

At this stage, there is a clear plan in place, the intervention team is ready, and travel and facility details have been solidified.

Leveraging our experience and compassion, we create a caring, understanding, and well-structured environment so that the individual can make the leap to saying "yes" to receiving help.

If the person is hesitant, our carefully-created contingency plans give further options.

Phase 4: Continuum-of-Care

Intervention and in-patient treatment are just the beginning of the journey.

The first 90 days following in-patient treatment hold the largest gap in services. This phase represents a major focus of our work.

Michael and his team work closely with doctors, counsellors, treatment staff, and loved ones to design a continuum-of-care plan which provides the best opportunity for sustained abstinence and success. 

This plan directly supports reintegration of clients to home life; work and/or sober-living environments; community-based support groups; relapse prevention groups; clinical therapy; and any other support networks.

Recovery is monitored, and the continuum-of-care plan is adjusted to meet evolving needs and challenges.

Phase 5: Family Support 

Our ongoing Family Support services address the long-term recovery needs of the client and their loved ones.

The journey through recovery in not always a straight line, especially in the first days, weeks, and months.

We’ll facilitate a post-Intervention debrief and schedule ongoing check-ins, follow-up meetings, assessments, and support work to ensure success.

FAQs About Interventions in Canada

For answers to frequently asked questions about interventions in Canada, please visit our sister site at, where we answer the questions below.

  • How do you decide if a person is a good candidate for a drug or alcohol intervention?
  • What style of drug or alcohol intervention is best suited for my family?
  • Which family members should participate in the intervention?
  • What if my loved one refuses to participate in the drug/alcohol intervention?
  • What happens if my loved one refuses to accept the help that is offered during the intervention?
  • What resources do you recommend to families who aren’t ready or able to work with an Interventionist yet?
  • How far do you travel to do drug/alcohol interventions in Canada?
  • What happens after the intervention is over?
  • Do you offer Psychiatric interventions?
  • What if my loved one requires specialized treatment that is not available in Canada?
  • What are your qualifications as an interventionist in Canada?
  • Where are interventions held in Canada?
  • Do you work with other interventionists in Canada?
  • How much do you charge?

In addition to answering the above questions, has a wealth of information for family members and friends who have a loved one who is struggling with addiction or substance use.


Let’s explore your options and make a plan that supports you and your loved one

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