Psychotherapist Mike Pond releases “Wasted” documentary

by Michael Walsh

“Psychotherapist Mike Pond releases “Wasted” documentary” - article by Michael Walsh

Psychotherapist Mike Pond.

Filmmaker Maureen Palmer set out to make an alcohol documentary following her partner Mike Pond — a psychotherapist and an alcoholic five years sober — as he searched for the best new evidence-based addiction treatments.

The intent was to help others battling substance use disorders. But to the couple’s shock and dismay, shortly after filming began, Mike drank again. In Wasted, Mike and Maureen’s attitudes and assumptions about addiction are tested in real time as the couple search for a treatment that will work for Mike. A theoretical journey becomes very real and deeply personal.

Watch this excellent documentary called Wasted at CBC’s The Nature of Things which adds to the great library of alcohol documentaries available today.

Connect with Michael Pond Psychotherapy in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Michael specializes in addiction to alcohol, drugs, tobacco, sex/pornography, and gambling. Michael also specializes in depression, anxiety/panic, phobias, bipolar disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, grief and loss, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, behavioural difficulties, emotion management, life transition/aging, and sleep disorders.

Connect with award-winning documentary filmmaker Maureen Palmer at Bountiful Films.

Getting started with a Sober Coach and Interventionist

I’m a Certified and Credentialed Addiction Recovery Coach & Interventist with extensive knowledge in the field of substance use disorders. I’ve been trained by some of the best in the field and continue to remain active in various recovery communities both in Canada, and internationally.

If you’re looking for help to stop drinking, help to moderate drinking, or support in dealing with a substance use concern of any kind, please feel free to reach out to me. I offer one-on-one recovery coaching, family support, and drug and alcohol intervention services.

I offer a no-charge consult call to anyone who has questions about their own substance use, or the substance use of a family member. These calls are completely confidential with no pressure to make a decision before you feel entirely ready.

And if you’re still wondering, “do I have a drinking problem?”, please check out this blog post, where you’ll find helpful steps for evaluating the role that alcohol plays in your life. If you want to know more about how to help someone with a substance use concern please read my article about deploying the CRAFT Model of Addiction.

I’d also like to invite you to read more about my personal story here.

If you’re ready to explore the potential of working together, I’d love to chat. Michael is based in Victoria British Columbia Canada and as of June 26, 2022 the other Recovery Coaches on the team are based in Nanaimo, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto, Montreal and Halifax. Because we all work virtually — we can work with anyone no matter what city, province or country around the world. We have clients in Seattle, Los Angeles, Dallas, Miami, New York City, Denver, Nashville, Berlin, Tel Aviv, London, Singapore and Australia.

Michael Walsh
Phone or Text: 250.896.8494
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Michael Walsh

About the Author

Michael Walsh

When I say I’ve been there, I mean it. I am a different person now, and I am fired up about helping other people get to the place where they, too, are living better, healthier, and bigger lives.

Contact Michael

Further Reading

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    The Language of Recovery - Choosing Better Words

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  • Addiction recovery resource by Michael Walsh on the topic of “Pandemic Drinking - How to Stop Drinking or Cut Back During Covid”

    Pandemic Drinking - How to Stop Drinking or Cut Back During Covid

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