Online Addiction Treatment & Mental Health Counselling

Stop Drinking Coach | Drug/Alcohol Counsellor

Contact Michael

I've been there.
I know what it's like.
I can help.

When I say I’ve been there, I mean it. 

I've done the all-nighters, sometimes several days in a row. I was often the last one up. I've experienced blackouts, trauma, job losses, financial difficulties, brushes with the law, and I hurt many people. I hid, justified, and lied about my problematic drinking and cocaine use. I lived a double life with cover ups, irritability, anger, sadness, and depression.

I've been through an alcohol detox facility twice, in-patient drug rehab twice. I’ve attended hundreds of support groups and many counselling and therapy sessions to get to where I am today.

I am a different person now and I love what I do! For the past 15 years I have worked in various capacities in the field of substance use, addiction and mental health. 

Don't let my brief bio scare you if that doesn't align with your experience or where you're currently at! I work with a range of clients from low-to-moderate consumers of alcohol and other substances to full blown dependancy and addiction and everything in between.

Meet Michael & Team

Recovery Coach Michael Walsh standing in a doorway with his arms crossed, looking at the viewer

Ways We Can Help

Services include: drug and alcohol counsellor, mental health counsellor, psychological assessments, registered psychiatric nurse, online addiction treatment, virtual rehab, alcohol coach, pornography coach, gaming coach, sober coach, transportation and case management. We are experienced in helping clients learn how to stop drinking alcohol, stop smoking weed or consuming cocaine, opiates and prescription medication. Some of the best private addiction treatment available on Vancouver Island British Columbia — also accessible online to anyone in Canada or around the world. 

  • Recovery Coaching Stop Drinking

    Alcohol | Drugs | Gaming | Porn

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    Certified Canadian Recovery Coach Michael Walsh coaching a woman during a secure video call as part of 1-on-1 sober coaching
  • Invitational Interventionist

    Not Like On TV

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    A family takes part in an invitational intervention organized and hosted by Canadian Interventionist Michael Walsh
  • Family Therapy And Support

    CRAFT Model of Addiction

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    Michael Walsh, Canadian Sober Coach and Interventionist, works with a family who are experiencing the effects of a loved one's drug/alcohol use during a coaching and consulting using the CRAFT model session

Online Addiction Treatment

Home Based Recovery provides affordable intensive alcohol and drug virtual treatment services. Accessed from anywhere in the world.

Connect When You’re Ready

It’s normal to feel overwhelmed when you’re struggling with substance use concerns. We’ll help make sense of what’s going on and walk you through your options. You’ll get confidential and judgement-free answers to your questions — with no pressure to make any decisions. Let's have a conversation. 

As Featured In

Find Lasting Recovery With a Substance Use & Addiction Coach

Michael Walsh is one of Canada's leading Substance Use & Addiction Experts.

  • Michael has worked in the field of mental health, substance use, and addictions for 15 years in non-profit, public and private health services.
  • Michael co-created and is the Executive Director of Home Based Recovery Canada. HBR is an online addiction treatment program that combines Recovery Coaching and psycho-educational and skills-building content created by a multi-disciplinary team that include psychologists, recovery coaches, counsellors, therapists, and addiction medicine physicians.
  • Michael has curated a strong and diverse team of some of the best Recovery Coaches, Therapists and Counsellors, and Sober Companions in Canada.
  • Michael and his team works with clients in a variety of cities in Canada including but not limited to Victoria, Nanaimo, Vancouver, Burnaby, Kelowna, Edmonton, Calgary, Regina, Saskatoon, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, and Halifax. We also work with American clients in a variety of cities including but not limited to Portland, Seattle, and Los Angeles. 
  • Services are provided online, to clients across Canada, the USA, Europe and any country in the world. Some services available in-person depending on the city — just ask.
  • To learn more about how we’re impacting the lives of our clients and their loved ones, visit our testimonials page.

If you're looking for alcohol treatment, outpatient treatment for alcoholism, online drug and alcohol counselling, alcohol rehab programs, support before or after alcohol detox, psychologist services, family therapy, family counselling, or any type of mental health counselling in Victoria, Nanaimo, Vancouver, across Vancouver Island and British Columbia or any city in Canada — we can help.

Browse Testimonials

Professional Sober Coach Michael Walsh addresses a family during an intervention for drug or alcohol use

Is Recovery Coaching Right For You?

As Recovery Coaches, we support you in achieving your goals, whether that involves cutting back, maintaining abstinence, or seeking formal treatment. Whether working with an individual client one-on-one or as part of a clinical team — we'd love to support you. 

Our relationship is built on open and honest exploration, and is beneficial to people at all stages of recovery whether:

  • You are sober curious, want to cut down, take a break or quit drinking
  • You want to learn how to quit smoking weed 
  • You are working with an addictions counsellor and want to add a Recovery Coach
  • You want to get back on track after a slip or relapse and want to build an addiction recovery plan
  • You want to explore alternatives to Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12-step programs 
  • You have stopped many times, but can’t seem to stay stopped 
  • You want to prioritize recovery, but life is busy and it’s hard to find time 
  • You want to explore the reasons why you drink or consume other substances in the first place
  • You recently completed an in-patient or out-patient program or just got out of detox
  • You don’t feel things are bad enough for alcohol inpatient rehab or intensive outpatient addiction treatment, but you want to change
  • You are not sure if you have a problem with drugs and/or alcohol in the first place
  • You are exploring online and virtual addiction treatment options

You’re in the right spot, and we’d love to help.

Together, we'll help you explore your relationship to alcohol and work toward cutting back, taking a break, or quitting alcohol altogether.

Book a Free Consultation

A woman taking part in a confidential 1-on-1 meeting with a Sober Recovery Coach from her own home using video chat

Looking to Help a Loved One?

The addiction of a loved one brings up many difficult questions and scenarios that may leave you feeling like you’re stuck on a never-ending emotional rollercoaster.

My other service, run by me and my team of passionate recovery professionals, offers support specifically for family members who want help to conduct an alcohol, alcoholism or drug intervention in Victoria BC or Vancouver BC. Or if an Intervention feels like too much we offer Family Coaching & Consulting using the CRAFT Model of Addiction and Family Systems Therapy. 

Through, we provide invitational drug and alcohol interventions and family counseling sessions. These services are geared specifically at those with a loved one who is struggling with alcoholism or substance use concerns.


A man in his early 20s hugging his family after a successful drug and alcohol invitational intervention hosted by Michael Walsh in BC, Canada

Michael never judged and instead always supported and encouraged forward movement


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Powerful Addiction Resources

View all articles

  • Addiction recovery resource by Michael Walsh on the topic of “Anger and Irritability When Quitting Drinking: Here’s What to Expect and How to Handle It”

    Anger and Irritability When Quitting Drinking: Here’s What to Expect and How to Handle It

  • Addiction recovery resource by Michael Walsh on the topic of “Addiction Specialist - Paving the Way to Sobriety”

    Addiction Specialist - Paving the Way to Sobriety

  • Addiction recovery resource by Michael Walsh on the topic of “How to Become a Sober Coach | Michael Walsh’s Guide”

    How to Become a Sober Coach | Michael Walsh’s Guide

Sober Coaching FAQs

View all FAQs

  • What’s the difference between a Sober Coach and a therapist?

    • Therapists work with you on your past, and help with deeper dives into underlying mental health concerns.
    • Sober Coaches focus on your strengths and what can be done to support your recovery today – and into the future.
    • A Sober Coach helps you evaluate and address challenges in all areas of your life including health, work, relationships, and finances.
    • Recovery Coaches ask “what” and “how” questions to help you connect the dots and create goals and plans to produce the results you want to see.
    • A Sober Coach is not a replacement for a therapist, but a valuable member of your professional team.
    • The best Sober Coaches are willing and able to engage openly with therapists and other mental health professionals as-needed for a holistic approach to recovery.
  • Are Sober Coaches worth the cost?

    • If you’re regularly saying yes to alcohol or drugs, what are you saying no to? What costs – both literal and figuratively – are you already incurring by saying yes?
    • If you are exiting in-patient treatment or detox, a Recovery Coach could be a bit of an insurance policy on your investment. 
    • Coaching sessions are always about more than drugs and alcohol. Often once you’re working with a Sober Coach and in a stable state of recovery, leaps previously thought to be impossible, like changing careers or going back to school, become realistic goals.
    • With a Sober Coach, you dig deeper to find out what makes you tick. Together, you leverage that as motivation to help you stay sober while exploring your dreams, values, and what it looks like to live with greater meaning, intention, and joy. 
    • Substance and alcohol misuse often impacts those around us, and Sober Coaches consider the entire family in their work. There are opportunities for your Sober Coach to speak with loved ones who have been impacted by your substance use to help facilitate understanding and healing.
    • The peace that is restored when a Sober Coach enters the picture is quite profound for many individuals and their families. What price can you place on peace within yourself and your household?
  • Will my benefit plan cover the cost of Recovery Coaching?

    • Recovery Coaching is not typically covered by extended healthcare plans.
    • Some benefit providers have and do provide coverage for our clients. It depends on the Insurance Provider, the Benefits Advisor, and whether the advisor sees value in adding a Recovery Coach. I would be happy to discuss an approach that could work in getting your insurance provider to cover us.
    • However, we are unable to directly bill insurers of any kind.
    • Recovery Coaching in Canada is currently in the process of becoming more organized with credentialing, supervision, and an oversight body. We hope to see an increase in insurance plans that provide coverage for our profession as the process moves forward.

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